DETAILS OF FIRST SPOUSE DETAILS OF SECOND SPOUSE Company Please fill out all the required fields marked with an *, otherwise your form will not submit. DATE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE: eg. 01-01-1990 First name * Surname * Is he/she a South African citizen? * Yes No Gender * Male Female Phone (H) * Phone (W) * Mobile * Email * Residential address * Postal code * Would he/she like to completely exclude any immovable property (i.e. house, land) from the accrual? Yes No Would he/she like to exclude business interests? * Yes No Commencement Value of First Spouse (The values below exclude any assets or interests excluded above) Total present value of cash, movables, investments, unit trusts, furniture, etc. Less liabilities / amounts owed Total commencement value R First name * Surname * Is he/she a South African citizen? * Yes No Gender * Male Female Phone (W) * Phone (H) * Mobile * Email * Residential adrress * Postal code * Would he/she like to completely exclude any immovable property (i.e. house, land) from the accrual? Yes No Would he/she like to exclude business interests? * Yes No Commencement Value of Second Spouse (The values below exclude any assets or interests excluded above) Total present value of cash, movables, investments, unit trusts, furniture, etc. Less liabilities / amounts owed * Total commencement value R